Wednesday, December 23, 2015


           I travelled to Augusta to visit my relatives after living three months in Atlanta. Since then; Downtown Morris Museum of Art was the most impressive museum for me.
            The museum was founded in 1985 and it was dedicated to art and artist of the American South. There are nearly five thousand works of art from all ages of American art, including oil and watercolor paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures.
            The principal works in the museum belong to eighteenth century of Southern America’s impressionis. In addition, there are variety of public programs, including lectures, readings and concerts.
            After that beautiful experience, a visit to the museum gift shop is a must. You can try the Morris’s own books, catalogs, posters, note cards, post cards, t-shirts, scarves, decorative items and much more.
            If you visit Augusta; you should have the museum on your list of places to see.


Atlanta’da gecirdigim uc aylik donemin sonunda, ailemin yanina Augusta’ya geldim. Burada kaldigim surede beni en cok etkileyen muze, sehrin merkezinde yer alan The Morris Museum of Art oldu.
1985 yilinda kurulan muze, sanata ve Amerika'nin guneyindeki sanatcilara armagan edilmis. Muzede bircok doneme ait yaklasik bes bin parca eser gormeniz mumkun. Buna yagliboya, suluboya, cizimler, fotograflar ve heykeller de dahil. 
Muzede gorebileceginiz baslica eserler onsekizinci yuzyil Guney Amerika’nin izlenimci sanatina aittir. Bunun disinda eger isterseniz muzede halka yonelik, konferanslar, okuma gunleri ve konserler gibi cesitli programlara da katilabilirsiniz.
Bu guzel deneyimin ardindan muzeye ait hediyelik esya magazasina ugramanizi tavsiye ederim. Burada muzeye ait kitaplari, katalog, poster, notluk, ve kartpostallari ; bunun disinda t-shirt, fular, dekoratif parcalar ve fazlasini bulabilir ve satin alabilirsiniz. 

Eger yolunuz duserse, Morris’in gorulecek yerler listenizde yer almasini tavsiye ederim.